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Conspiracies in 20th Century: Apollo Moon Landing Conspiracy

In this month, I will present about various conspiracies in 20th century. Wow...20th century! There are a lot of conspiracies I need to talk about...the death of Hitler, Hiroshima Bombing, Pearl Harbour, 9/11... However, today, I will start with Apollo Moon Landing Hoax conspiracy.

What is this?

I assume that everyone heard about Neil Amstrong and his Apollo 11. They are the first human beings who landed on the moon, "Men on the Moon." Now, some claims that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon Landing were faked by NASA or other organization from the US government. Depending on groups or individuals, however, there are various thoeries existed right now. Before discussing about theories, first, Let's start with how all things started.

How has it started?

Everything started when Bill Kaysing self-published the book We Never Went to the Moon :American's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle in 1974, two years after the Apollo Moon flights had ceased.

Since than, a number of different hoax theories have been created. However, No one has proposed a complete persuasive theory.

Different kinds of theories
Several of these theories and their most identifiable facts are listed below:
1. Complete Lie: The idea that entire human lading was faked. Some say the technology
to send men to the Moon was undeveloped or made a misson impossible to put in the action.

2. Partical Hoax: The theory that astronauts had faked their orbit around the Moon and their walk on its surface by trick photography and media technology. British author Marcus Allen suggests that NASA could do the mission because radition levels in space were lethal to humans. Another idea of this theory is that while Apollo 11 mission was fake, Apollo 14 or 15 was the first authentic moon landing mission.

3. Cover-up:

-Astronauts may have used "a secret zero gravity device" on a "Captured extraterrestrial spaceship."

-While astronauts did land on the Moon, they covered up what they found, whether it was gravitational anomalies, aliens, or alien encounters.

4. Actural moon landing; fake broadcasting:

Other belive that men did land on the moon, but the photography was very low quality to broadcast. Therefoore, NASA altered, modified, and faked many of the pictures and films.

Why did they do that, then?

Many people may ask this question, and there are several back-up reasons on this conspiracy.

1. Cold-war: The American government thought they need to win "Space War" against USSR in any means.

2. Money: NASA raised not enough money to go to the Moon.

3. Risk: The technology in that time was unstable to send men to the Moon.

4. Distraction: The government needed a popular distraction from the politic and the Vietnam war.

5.Delivering the promise: NASA had to fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise.

What other people think about this?

A 1999 poll by the Gallup Organization showed that 89% percent of the US public believed the landing was true, while 6% did not and 5% was undecided.

What am I thinking?

When I saw "Apollo 13" in grade 5, I loved the human history in space. I hope the whole conspiracy is just a joke, but I cannot say anything.

(Next: Conspracies in 20th Century: II)

-Jonathan, Vakin. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. 1st. Toronto,Ontarion: A Citadel Press Book, 1995.

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